Front-load washing machines often have a problem with mold and mildew in the door gaskets. While some brands have eliminated the door gasket altogether, mold and mildew are unfortunately more a factor of how the machines are used.
It’s easy to avoid mold and mildew in your front-load washer. It’s very difficult to get rid of it, and it usually requires buying and installing a new gasket. This can be time-consuming and expensive, so avoiding the mold in the first place is your best option! Here's how.
With all front-load washers, remember to keep the door and the dispenser drawer OPEN when the machine isn’t running. Keep a rag near the washer, and use it to wipe the glass and the bottom pocket of the boot after every load. (You can hang the rag to dry on the door as a reminder.)
Be sure you're using H-E detergent; regular detergent makes foam and suds, giving the mildew a perfect environment to grow.
You probably know that the dispenser drawer is removable. Use a plastic-bristled brush and a bleach-based mold-and-mildew product to clean that space.
Finally, use a washer cleaning product that will wash any remaining detergent down the drain.
One day, appliance manufacturers will add a fan to quickly dry the space between the basket and the tub after the clothes are removed. Until then, it's up to you to keep that gasket dry!